wine doesn't need a crown. There is no place in Belgim where so
many remains of Middle Ages can be found as in Bruges. The
history of Damme has always
been closely related to the history of Bruges. Together they
knew their times of glory, which made them infamous all over the
known world. But they also went down together when the Zwin
silted up and seaships could no longer reach Bruges or one of
her ports.
said to have originated from a Gallo-Roman settlement some 2000
years ago. At that time trade via the sea already took place
here. On what is now know as the "Burg", there used to be a
stronghold in the middle of the 9th century. The port was
accessible directly from the sea until the middle of the 11th
century. At that moment in time, the town already had grown to
an international commercial center.
Slowly however
the connection to the sea silted up. A stormflood in 1134
created a new bay, the Zwin, which reached till
Damme. Damme became the
port of Bruges, lateron
Sluis and Bruges continued to be prosperous. Unfortunately,
the Zwin silted up too and seaships could no longer reach
Damme. Throughout the entire history of the town, the citizens
of Bruges continuously tried to maintain their connection to the
sea. A last attempt to reach the Westerschelde via a canal (the
present Damse Vaart) was undertaken by Napoleon. Because of his
loss in the war, the canal never was finished and stops in
Sluis. Nowadays the town has again a great seaport, namely
the Middle Ages, the region around Bruges was one of the most
prosperous of Europe and because of that a very wanted area for
foreign rulers. The county of Flanders came to existence here
and Bruges was its capital. At the peak of its power and wealth,
Flanders was a lot larger than what it is now. Although the one
foreign power after the other ruled the region, the Flemish
cities succeeded in keeping a great level of indepence for a
long time.
One of the most significant events was the rising of the Flemish
against the French occupier in 1302. At this event, French
troops, garrisoned in the castle of
Male, were put out of action. One night, the French army (Leliaerts)
that occupied the town itself was slaughtered by the Flemish (Klauwaerts).
Till that night, the Flemish had been hiding in Damme. This
were what is called the "Brugse Metten". In the battle that
followed these events (Battle of the Golden Spurs, Courtray 11
July 1302) the French king's army of knights was defeated by the
Flemish. In the battles that followed, the Flemish cities were
not always so successful. In
1384, the Flanders were gouverned by Burgundy. This was the
result of the marriage of Margareta of Male (daughter of
Lodewijk of Male, 24th count of Flanders) and Philips, duke of
Burgundy. The new rulers also tried to submit the town, in
order to collect as much taxes as possible. The dukes had gread
need of money to finance their costly wars against France. The
citizens of Bruges however, were very attached to their
independence and privileges and regularly this lead to uprisings.
In 1482, duke Maximilian of Austria (who had just become widower
of Maria of Burgundy) was captured when he tried to break tho
town's power and wanted to impose more taxes. His collaborators
were tortured on Bruges' Marketsquare and condemned to the death.
The most known story is the one of Pieter Lanckhals, who was
decaputated, after which his head was placed on a pike above the
Gentpoort. The days when Burgundy ruled the town however, was a
time of great prosperity. Their departure was the beginning of
the end.
Burgundy came Spain, that brought the Southern Netherlands under
their government. It was then that Damme became a
bastion. Then
cam the French revolution and Napoleon. In that period, the
town was plundered in administrative way.
The industrial
revolution passed by the town and by the middle of the 19th
century, Bruges had become the poorest town in Flanders. After
that period, tourism began and nowadays millions of tourists
visit the town because of its rich cultural heritage and its
monuments. This town is a true open-air museum; lots of
buildings that date back to the glory days are still intact.
That's what makes Bruges one of a kind.
wealth of Bruges is due to many factors. There was the trade
with entire Europe (from Scandinavia and England to the cities
in de Mediteranean Sea). The region had a very flourishing
cloth industry and lateron also the famous lace of Bruges became
a very popular export product. The arrival of foreign Hanzes
and representatives from other cities and countries, transformed
the town to an important financial center, you could say a
Wallstreet avant-la-lettre. Prosperity also brought art in the
town. Think about the priceless Flemish Primitives. But also a
lot of other artefacts are sign of the rich cultural life.
Bruges has lots of museums where you can 'taste' of all this.
The decay of the region is due to a combination of various
factors. Not only the wars with foreign rulers, but also
internal fights with other towns made the area less attractive
(and lucrative). The silting up of the Zwin estuary made trade
over sea more and more difficult. Epidemics like the plague
made a lot of casualties, Geuzen (protestant religious fighters)
plundered the town and traders more and more left as a
consequence. The industrial revolution in England finally meant
the end of the blooming textile industry in Flanders...